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Saturday, May 27, 2006

I feel stupid

I’M doing an American foundation programme locally. I have to fulfil my sponsor’s requirements (yes, I am a scholar) before I can further my studies in the United States in August. I did quite badly in my second semester. Although the results are better than in my first, I’m nervous because it will determine whether or not I go abroad. I don’t know if I can get the final results required by my sponsor.
It has been my dream to go to the United States since I was five, yet I didn’t work to my full potential. If I fail to qualify, I will disappoint my mum. That is the last thing I want to do.
I used to be a high achiever in school, but I feel so stupid now. I’m not sure if I can do it any more.
Feeling Blue

IF you have completed the final semester of your programme, what else can you do to achieve your dream of going to America? Worrying about disappointing your mother and regretting bad results will not help you at this point.
Some programmes are not based entirely on academic results. Take the initiative to talk this over with your programme sponsor and relevant counsellors. Ask if you can extend the local course and explain your weak performance. Prove your mettle by fighting the weaknesses and get in on your strengths.
Talk to your mother to ease your guilt. You don’t want to disappoint her but you need her understanding and support. When you are lost and floundering, you do not want to feel alone. Toughen your resolve and think of ways to improve your situation. If you can’t get into the programme, what can you do with your life?
Accept changes as challenges, not failure. Sometimes, you can get worn out pushing yourself to succeed. You and your family may have such high expectations that your mind fails to cope. Learn to pace yourself so that you do not burn out.
Measure success through your achievements. You are young and should be brimming with zest and zeal. There is always something else you can do if this doesn’t work out. Be positive and confident. Never feel that you have failed yourself or loved ones just because you made a few mistakes in life.