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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Selfish love

I met P seven years ago and we started a relationship. I enjoy his company and the attention he gives me.
I’ve been divorced for almost 10 years and have a son, whom I raised as a single parent. P is in his late 50s, about six years my senior. Initially, he never told me about his personal problems.
Then two years ago, I received a call from his wife warning me to leave him. I confronted P; he said he had no more feelings for her and they no longer slept together. They have two grown-up children.
P continued to see me after that. I have tried breaking up with him, but he has asked me to be patient because his wife wants to file for divorce. I find it hard to reject P, who says he really loves me.
His wife keeps phoning me at my workplace. I have denied everything and even challenged her to provide evidence to back her accusations. Each time l complain to P about these calls, he would console me.
I may be selfish, but after all these years, I have hope that P is serious about our relationship. I do not regret having him around and I don’t care how others look at me. P chose to be with me so his wife should not blame me for breaking up their marriage. Even if he were not involved with me, he might be with another woman.
Not Guilty

THERE should be no guilt in your need for love and happiness. Why are you trying to justify sharing another woman’s husband?
When there are three parties involved, you will have to admit responsibility. It does not matter that your guy no longer sleeps with his wife.
You should ask him why he is stuck with a woman he claims not to love. And if he loves you so much, why are you still his mistress, stealing time with him?
His wife is a fool to blame you entirely. Instead, she should confront her husband about his lying and cheating. You, too, are a fool for believing this man and thinking that his wife is to blame for not being able to keep him in her bed and heart.
Sure, if not you, then there’ll be another woman. But does this really make him a man to trust and sacrifice your dignity for? You can wait another seven years for the divorce to come through. You can make all the excuses for your love.
As long as both of you are happy and can sleep soundly at night, perhaps it does not matter what any one else thinks. Especially his wife and children, victims of a husband who cheats and a father who lies. And does your growing child understand this emotional mess that you shoulder?