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Sunday, June 11, 2006

It’s no, so let go

I DON’T understand why my heart still aches as she rejected me half a year ago. I was so confident that she would accept me, based on her reactions and the feedback she gave about girl-girl relationships.
I admit that she didn’t give me a clear answer when I asked. She said we could only be friends. I was so sure that I loved her, but when she asked me, “What do you want to do?”, I felt blur. I have goals to achieve and a clear vision of my future. She is a very bright student and we seem perfect for each other.
But will our parents be devastated if we are together? Will the community discriminate against us? All kinds of questions go through my mind. I just know I’m happy holding her hands, watching movies with her, and telling her my goals. I want to share everything with her and let her be part of my life.
She is planning to go to Australia to pursue her studies. I’m happy for her but sad to let her go. Should I tell her I still love her?

SORRY, but you have to take “No” for an answer. Your friend never gave you any hope for a relationship but you cannot seem to let her go.
Your friend cares about you but she is not able to offer more than friendship. You could tell her about your love for her over and over again, but your intensity might drive her further away from you. You should try to understand her feelings and not think only of your own.
It’s true that not everyone can accept a homosexual relationship. Parents usually react in shock and disbelief. Some people frown and look the other way; they pretend indifference, but think that gays are freaks.
However, society is more accepting of homosexuality now. Many gay partners are happier and more relaxed about open relationships. Some parents even welcome such partners as their in-laws.
Stop thinking and worrying too much about your sexual orientation. It is pointless creating problems for yourself until you have to deal with reality. Now, just accept your friend’s decision and wish her well in her studies. You should mix around and understand your own needs and feelings. Date a few guys and gals to know the difference.
Never pressure yourself or others. Let love happen naturally and you will be a happier person.