Reading My Story...

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Sunday, June 11, 2006

Keep the memories but move on

I AM a foreigner and have been working in Malaysia for seven years. I have three children. Recently, I separated from my husband and was lonely and frustrated.
In January, I got to know a guy through the Net. We met up in April. He is a very busy businessman. Just as we were building up a good relationship, he was notified by his company that he had to work in another country.
He said he liked me a lot but could not commit to a long-distance relationship. He has been down that path before and was hurt, so he is scared to do it again. I felt sad and disappointed when I heard that.
He said we could still be friends and he would send me SMS messages when he had the time. I love him so much because he respects me as a woman and accepts me for what I am. What should I do?

YOU can continue to wait for his SMS messages, think about him all the time and hope that he will come back to you eventually. Or you could keep the sweet memories, pull yourself together and get back to living.
Be careful that you do not get hurt too often in your current state of mind. Being lonely and frustrated, you are emotionally vulnerable and fragile. You need so much for someone to care about you, and offer you love and attention. Cruising the Internet makes you easy prey. Be warned that some men will take advantage of a woman like you.
When you are sad and alone, think of loved ones and your three children. Give yourself a purpose in life, apart from seeking love and passion. Always remind yourself why you are working here, so far away from family and friends. If the days seem empty and hard to bear, talk to friends and seek their support. Never feel that you have no one in the world you can turn to.
Try not to be in a hurry for love. Be more relaxed and perhaps, your love will not feel so rushed for commitment. Take it easy and life will feel less intense and lonely.